Nov 28, 2005

INCOG Seeks Public Input on Transportation

For those residents interested in transportation issues for the greater Tulsa area, INCOG has sent out this announcement soliciting public input on the development of public transport:

The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) presents a program of improvements to the surface transportation system within the Tulsa Transportation Management Area to be implemented during a three-year period with federal matching funds. The projects, which have a combination of federal, state, and local funding sources, cover a wide range of transportation modes including streets and highways, publictransportation, bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and airport improvements. Planned improvements include new construction; expansion of existing services and facilities; operation, maintenance and reconstruction of existing facilities; efficiency improvements to increase the effectiveness of existing transportation investments; and projects specifically identified for their abilities to maintain the Tulsa area's "clean air" status. Additionally, Tulsa Transit relies on the MPO (INCOG) public involvement process for the TIP to satisfy FTA program of projects (POP) public involvement requirements.

INCOG develops the TIP for the Tulsa Transportation Management Area (TMA) in cooperation with ODOT, the Metropolitan Tulsa Transit Authority (MTTA), airports, and local governments within the TMA. This is the beginning of the annual process when projects can be submitted by area communities/entities that implement surface transportation plans within
their jurisdictional boundaries.

If you have questions regarding this process and procedures for project selection or would like to view a list of previous TIP projects, please visit our website at to view the 2006 - 2008 TIP, or contact Tim Armer by phone at (918) 584-7526 or by email at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
