Feb 3, 2010

Time for the U.S. Census.

In March, census questionnaires will be mailed out to households.
Should you complete your household's questionnaire?
Is it important to you and your family?
All it takes is just 10 minutes of your time to answer 10 questions that will influence the future.
The questions are simple and will ask:
How many people live in the house, apartment, mobile home, etc.
What are their names - relationship - gender - age - date of birth - race - ethnicity.
Do you own or rent your home.
Your Answers are Safe!
The information you provide as an individual is confidential and its safety is protected by law. It is not shared with government, social service or immigration agencies, but combined with the information from others in your neighborhood, city, county or state, to produce aggregate, statistical data that can help both nonprofit, public and private organizations better serve the needs of citizens and communities.
Beginning in April, Census workers will visit households which did not return questionnaires by mail.
The Census is very important and the results of the 2010 Census affect many aspects of our daily lives and the future prosperity and well being of our communities.
Census data are the basis for determining governmental representation at all levels, from the U.S. Congress down to your local governmental entities.
Census data is used by government agencies in deciding where to build schools, roads, hospitals, and other facilities that help people and communities. Each year more than $400 billion in federal funds is awarded to local, state and tribal governments based on census population figures.
Census data is used by business leaders in deciding where to locate shopping centers, supermarkets and many other kinds of retail and service businesses that fuel our economy.
Make sure you and your family and community get the representation you deserve in federal, state, local governments by completing one simple questionnaire.

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