Feb 9, 2010

Transportation Advisory Board Meetings

Feb. 9 and 16, Transportation Advisory Board Meetings:

The Transportation Advisory Board invites the citizens of Tulsa to attend public meetings in each of the nine City Council districts.
This new board, which began meeting in April 2009, is using these meetings to introduce itself to the community.
The board would like to receive citizens' comments about transportation in the city of Tulsa. Citizens also can receive information about transportation capital improvement projects.

Please note the following dates and times for the next Transportation Advisory Board public meetings:
Tuesday, Feb. 9, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in Council District 3 at B.C. Franklin Park, 1818 E. Virgin Street.

Tuesday, Feb. 16, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in Council District 4 at Central Library Aaronson Auditorium, 400 Civic Center (Fourth Street and Denver Avenue).

The Transportation Advisory Board has been commissioned to advise the mayor and City Council on all matters affecting land transportation in Tulsa including, but not limited to, streets and rights-of-way maintenance and construction, traffic engineering, mass transit, rail and trail systems. During budget preparation for the 2010-2011 fiscal year, the board will offer recommendations regarding efficiency of Tulsa's transportation system.

Members of the Transportation Advisory Board include Mayor Dewey Bartlett, District 1 Councilor Jack Henderson, District 2 Councilor Rick Westcott, Darrell Gilbert representing Council District 3, District 4 Councilor Maria Barnes, District 5 Councilor Chris Trail, District 6 Councilor Jim Mautino, District 7 Councilor John Eagleton, Al Unser representing Council District 8, Daniel Keating representing Council District 9, Brian Cullum from the construction industry, Tulsa Metropolitan Utility Authority Chairman Rick Hudson, Metropolitan Tulsa Transit Authority board member Phil Lakin, Tulsa Metropolitan Area Planning Commission member Keith McArtor, and Matthew Moshiri, construction engineer.

The Transportation Advisory Board meets on the first Tuesday of each month, at noon in the 10th Floor North Conference Room of City Hall at One Technology Center, 175 East 2nd Street. Meetings for the remainder of 2010 are as follows:
March 2,
April 6,
May 4,
June 1,
July 6,
Aug. 3,
Sept. 7,
Oct. 5,
Nov. 2,
Dec. 7

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