Mar 29, 2010

Refuse and Recycling Task Force Meeting

When: April 6th 6:00 pm
Where: Marquette School Cafeteria - 1519 S. Quincy‏
The tentative agenda is as follows:

1. Introduction by Councilor.

2. Presentation by TARE, Task Force, and City staff members on current trash situation

3. Breakout sessions with attendees to get their preferences for trash service.

4. Closing comments/Q&A

Please let your friends and neighbors know about this meeting. The input from this meeting will help define how Tulsa will move forward with the handling of refuse and recycling. If you are not able to attend this meeting, please send me an email with your thoughts before April 6th so that I can take them with me to the meeting to make sure your voice is heard.

Thank you,
Maria Barnes
Vice-Chair, Tulsa City Council, District 4
175 East 2nd St., 4th Floor
Tulsa, OK 74103

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