May 27, 2010

Ozone Alert Day!

Oklahoma Department of Environmental Qualityhas declared an Ozone Alert! for Friday, May 28, 2010in the Tulsa Metropolitan Area
Persons with lung or heart disease should be aware that increased pollution may cause them to experience adverse health effects. Ozone affects people differently.
Symptoms include chest pain, coughing, sneezing, nausea, headache and pulmonary congestion. Active children, adults and especially people with respiratory disease such as asthma should limit prolonged outdoor exertion.

Take Action on Ozone Alert! Days
Leave your car at home. Walk, bike, carpool, ride the bus or telecommute.
Avoid long idle times. Walk in rather than drive thru.
Postpone refueling. Wait until evening or not at all.
Postpone mowing and using other gas-powered lawn tools.
Postpone errands. Do them another day.

Take Action All Summer Long
Drive less. Leave your car at home one day a week. Try walking, biking, carpooling, riding the bus or telecommuting. Log your miles at
Avoid long idle time. Turn off your car after 30 seconds when not in traffic.
Refuel in the evening and don’t top off the tank.
Do your garden chores gasoline-free. Avoid gas-powered lawn tools until evening.


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