May 10, 2010

Volunteers for Mowing and Other Tasks

Some 73 groups and individuals have responded to the City's mid-April call for volunteers to help with mowing, graffiti removal and other projects throughout Tulsa.
Crews have helped spruce up City cemeteries, mowed in parks and in medians and rights of way and helped remove or paint over graffiti on public and private properties.
Any groups or individuals wishing to volunteer to do any work on City of Tulsa property should call the Mayor’s Action Center, 596-2100, or complete the online “general contact” form which can be found on the city’s website at:

The City has worked with volunteers for many years on clean-up projects and on efforts like the “Paint the Town” campaigns. Eagle Scout candidates and Boy Scout troops, church groups, school groups and others have performed many tasks like landscaping and flower planting on public properties

It is important that City managers and employees are aware when work is being performed on City properties or facilities. While volunteers for mowing and clean-up and other work are welcomed, it is important that such efforts don’t conflict with other activities or uses of the properties.

In April the City began trying to coordinate the efforts to make it more organized. The Mayor's Action Center, Public Works, Parks & Recreation and the Working in Neighborhoods Departments are working together to identify tasks that can be done by volunteers.
Since the announcement of the program in mid April, 43 groups have volunteered for mowing in neighborhoods and along streets, five have volunteered for mowing in city parks, and 25 have volunteered for graffiti abatement in neighborhoods and commercial areas.

Volunteers for mowing must have their own equipment. Public Works can provide paint and other supplies for graffiti removal.

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