Jun 21, 2010

Working in Neighborhoods University (WIN U) 2010

Beautification of Your Neighborhood and City Environment

Monday, June 28 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
Description: In this class you will learn more about graffiti painting, clean-up events, dumpster program and grease recycling.

Speakers: Barbie Raney, Tulsa Garden Center; Sue Gray, OSU Master Gardeners; Diana Askins, Master Recyclers Be Green Committee, along with representatives from Up With Trees, and M.e.t. Recycling

Where: Central Center - Room #2/3, 1028 E. 6th St. Off Peoria (596-1444)
Time reflects information giving, questions, and follows up.

Please register by email: rdawson@cityoftulsa.org or phone WIN Dept/Liaisons at 596-1292.

Classes are free (unless noted). You must RSVP at least 3 days in advance.
Class will be canceled if a minimum of 10 Neighborhood Associations are not represented.

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