Sep 16, 2010

A Letter From Maria Barnes

I wanted to take the time and let you know that, even though it sounds as though nothing is getting done at City Hall, we are working every day to make District 4 and the City of Tulsa a better place. I know that newspaper articles and TV news stories make it seem as if this City is not moving forward. When you have financial strains in any family, group, or organization, someone will not be happy with the decisions that have to be made. The City of Tulsa will make it past these tough times, and I know that progress is being made in District 4, despite the City’s financial troubles. Just to let you know, these are the things that I have worked on since you put me in office eight months ago:

· We passed a budget that reduces spending for the City, while restoring services that had been cut in the last budget.

· We revived LIFT program after budget cuts limited service hours to 5:00 p.m., with no Saturday service. Now the LIFT is back in service until 8:00 p.m. and on Saturdays.

· I organized meetings with District 4 hospitals and neighborhood association leaders, to get a dialog started on hospital expansion plans.

· I initiated and hosted a meeting with the Day Center for the Homeless and the neighborhoods around the proposed Hudson Villas.

· I hosted two town halls meetings.

· I hosted a meeting for the Refuse and Recycling Task Force, to get out the word and to receive input on the upcoming trash and recycling contract.

· I hosted a PlaniTulsa meeting, to inform my constituents of the comprehensive plan update.

· I worked with the local merchants and secured Council approval for road closures for the Cherry Street Farmers Market on Saturdays.

· I lobbied for two more parking enforcement positions, which are included in this year’s budget.

· I have helped in establishing an honorary street named for Leon Russell, with the goal of encouraging recording studios in Tulsa to create a “studio row” on 3rd Street.

Currently, I am actively working on:
· Changing the parking policies downtown, to make them fair and equitable, and to ensure that the parking meters are installed and functioning.

· Changing the City’s donation policy, for a more transparent and open local government.

· Establishing guidelines for the disposition of City-owned historical properties, to take historical values into account, in addition to financial considerations.

· Initiating small area plans, to begin implementing PlaniTulsa, and to give neighborhoods a voice in community development.

And I want to do more. I need you to let me know what you think I should be doing for the betterment of District 4 and Tulsa. Nothing is too small or too big. I can’t promise that I will be able to do everything, but those things that I am able to make happen, I will. Please feel free to pass this on to your friends and neighbors and let them know if they would like to receive future emails from me, to email me back and I will put them on my list.

Thank you for being the Best Constituents in the Best District in the Best City!

Maria Barnes
Tulsa City Council, District 4
175 East 2nd St., 4th Floor
Tulsa, OK 74103

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