Mar 16, 2011

The Results Are In

For the first time in the history of Tulsa city government, we conducted something every business knows is a good practice: a survey of our customers for their views on the performance and effectiveness of city government services. Thanks to the support from the Tulsa Community Foundation, the highly acclaimed Shapard Research firm asked citizens what they think about and want from their city. More than 1,800 households all across the city answered more than 100 questions about Tulsa.
The result of the citizen survey showed that 51 percent of Tulsans surveyed believe we are headed in the right direction compared to 26 percent who do not. This two-to-one margin gives me great hope that the policies laid down in 2010 will provide a solid foundation as we move forward.
Other survey results are very encouraging:
- 77 percent have a positive perception of Tulsa as a place to live; 65 percent were satisfied with the appearance of the city; 75 percent are satisfied with the appearance of our parks;
- 75 percent support the KPMG initiatives and the benefit potential it holds; 70 percent support the spending proposals I intend to pursue in this next budget; 77 percent feel proud to be a Tulsan; and 78 percent want to start developing the river.
This direct feedback will be invaluable in our planning and responding to what Tulsans want for their city.
There are great opportunities that will come from this survey because it is truly a grassroots report.
This is what makes it so powerful and so likely to succeed.
When we began to plan for this survey it started with a simple question: "If you had 15 minutes alone with the mayor, what would you tell him was important for Tulsa to continue to be the great city it has always been?"
We asked, you spoke, we listened.
Now the action begins.

Best Regards,
Dewey BartlettMayor

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