Mar 14, 2011

Spring is Near

Tulsa Parks To Open Pools This Summer

Tulsa Parks is already making summer plans and will open five pools this summer, the same number and the same pools as in 2010.
These pools are located at McClure, Reed, Lacy, Whiteside and Berry parks.
Admission fees to the pools will also be the same as 2010.
To physically prepare a pool for opening and to hire lifeguards, decisions on which pools to open are made in the late winter and early spring.
"While budget dollars haven't changed much since a year ago, we are making plans to make sure pools get open," says Lucy Dolman, Tulsa Parks Director. "Additionally, we have three more water playgrounds this year than 2010, plus one we're working on now. These playgrounds are very popular with children, are open longer, and are much more affordable to maintain."
Since 2010, three water playgrounds have been built at Maxwell, Chamberlain, and Owen. A fourth will be constructed at Whiteside. Funding for water playgrounds comes from 2001 and 2006 Sales Tax and Vision 2025 funding.
Applications for Lifeguard positions, as well as Summer Day Camp Leaders, are now available.

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