Apr 8, 2011

Earth Month

Every April is Earth Month, and Earth Day is April 22. This yearly anniversary warrants many local festivals and events, among them the Garden Fest at Tulsa Garden Center this weekend and the "Party for the Planet" at the Tulsa Zoo on April 16. However, Earth Day is more than just a month, or a special day, or a single event. Earth Month is a reminder that we are all stewards of the earth, and there are many things we can do individually to make a difference in the place where we live. Neighborhood cleanups make our city shine. Awareness of the causes of pollution in our water and air result in actions which make our city healthier. Creek cleanups and taking steps to reduce ozone every day are more actions by which individuals can make a difference. Take this month, and every month, to help Tulsa shine as a clean and healthy place to live. It makes a difference to those who already live here, and to those who are considering locating a business or residence here. Best regards, Dewey Bartlett Mayor of Tulsa

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