Aug 23, 2011

Neighborhood Citizens Alert Patrol Training Meeting

Neighborhood Citizens Alert Patrol Training Meeting - Sept 22
Volunteers Needed for MMNA Citizen Alert Patrol. A training and organizational meeting will be held Thurs night, Sept 22 from 6-8 p.m. at Memorial Baptist Church. MMNA will provide a light dinner for volunteers at 6. Volunteers agree to drive or walk or jog or bicycle or stroll through the neighborhood and report any suspicious activity.
An application will be on the back of your newsletter. The Tulsa Police Dept will do a background check on those interested in participating. The deadline for submitting your application is Sept 15th. If you are interesting in supporting our neighborhood in this way, MMNA welcomes your participation.

At least 14 volunteers will be needed.
Contact the Crime Commission 918-585-5209 or or Jeanie Newell, MMNA Pres. at 747-6389 with questions

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