Feb 25, 2010

Census Workers Still Needed

Up to 1,500 more workers are still needed to assist with the 2010 Census in the Tulsa metro area. Census takers work evening and weekend hours and are temporary, part-time positions. These workers will receive training and an hourly wage. Census takers must have their own transportation and will be reimbursed for most travel expenses. Call 1-866-861-2010, or visit www.2010censusjobs.gov for more information about available positions, to take a practice test, or to apply for a job.

Census 2010 will officially begin March 1. Following that day, the Census Department will deliver or mail the survey to all residents of the United States. The 10-question survey should take only a few minutes to complete. Households are asked to complete and mail back their responses upon receipt. All residents should return the survey no later than April 1, 2010, Census Day. Census workers will visit households that do not return their forms to take a 'count' in person.
In addition, Census information centers will be set up around the Tulsa community to assist those who did not receive a survey by mail or who need assistance filling out the questionnaire. E-news will keep you posted on the location of those centers.

For more information, visit the official 2010 Census Web site, www.2010census.gov.

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