Apr 7, 2010


An update from a nieghbor (thanks Sandi!) on last night's Trash Dist, 4 meeting:

The Tulsa Trash contract will be up for bids in 2012, but TARE need a lot of input for council & state info.
So they are having district meetings to get feedback from the public on these main concerns--
1)How often should trash pick up be? size of bins?
2) Recycling--bins?, frequency? and
3)Yard waste (same concern).
Had some good discussion groups, and some of the best trash programs of other cities were presented.
The general consensus seemed to be--Once a week pick up in the size trash can of your choice that would coincide with your trash cost. Recycling trash can also once a wk. pickup (cost would be the same whether you use it or not), and Yard waste in biodegradable bags with a charge per bag.
Other concerns were mentioned such as large yard waste (i.e.branches) and large boxes, etc. After TARE gets all the info and rough draft ready--there will be time for more public input. They plan to address all issues.
Right now only about 3-5% of trash in Tulsa is recycled.
We're behind in these areas compared to other cities for sure.

For more info on this, contact:
Maria Barnes
Tulsa Refuse, Inc.

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