Spring 2015: 10th Annual MMNA Saturday Garage Sale - TBA
Spring 2015: 10th Annual Neighborhood Block Party - TBA
July 2015: Dumpster Days - date TBA
MMNA is 10 years old and celebrating our successes! Please read what MMNA does for the neighborhood and why we need your continued financial support! Donations can be directed to MMNA Board of Directors (BOD) listed below. MMNA is funded ONLY by donations.
MMNA Promotes Neighborhood Safety and Security
Mayo Meadow is one of the safest neighborhoods in Tulsa according to Bart Dean, National Crime Prevention Network (CPN) Tulsa Coordinator.
- Over the last 10 years, MMNA has sponsored Alert Neighbors Meetings, purchased "Alert Neighbors" street signs and "We Call Police" signs for all parts of the neighborhood.
- In 2011 MMNA helped form a Citizens Alert Patrol (CAP) of 10 of your neighbors to patrol the MM neighborhood, giving us higher alert status with the Tulsa Police Dept (TPD).
- MMNA has coordinated with the TPD, City Neighborhood Inspectors, and the Fairgrounds staff to control both parking and property crimes during the Fair and other large events.
MMNA Encourages Communication Among Neighbors
- MMNA Newsletters
- MMNA funds the printing of a fall and spring newsletter and organizes neighbors to distribute newsletters to every home in the neighborhood (approx. 1,000 residences).
- Provides electronic copies of the newsletter and event notices by request, contact BOD member Larry Synar to subscribe: larrystsa@yahoo.com
- Social Media
- BOD members, Maggie Brown and Shamone Hubbert, administer the MM Facebook page. Our neighbor, Michel Shimp, is a founding member of nextdoor.com. Both sites provide neighborhood awareness, contacts, and updates.
- Annual Neighborhood Block Party
- Funding, organizing, and publicizing the annual spring block party, a mixer for the whole neighborhood. Provide surveys at the block party for neighbors' suggestions.
- Business and Special Meetings
- Organizing and publicizing business special meetings to discuss neighborhood needs and projects, i.e. Alert Neighbors, meeting with Fairgrounds staff and TPD.
MMNA Coordinates Activies for the Neighborhood, Yearly
- Free Dumpsters
- MMNA arranges for free dumpsters each summer for the whole neighborhood. Dumpsters are only provided by the City to neighborhood associations in good standing.
- Annual Neighborhood Garage Sale
- MMNA purchases a classified ad in the Tulsa World so neighbors can just move their sale items outside without having to advertise individually. MMNA also purchased four banners, designed and installed by our neighbor, Matt Smith, at the four corners of the neighborhood to serve as a reminder about the neighborhood garage sale date.
- Spring Neighborhood Block Party and Meetings
- MMNA sponsors the spring neighborhood block part, business and special meetings on topics of interest to the neighborhood.
Keeping our Neighborhood Beautiful and Well-Known
- History and Transformation
- Before 2005, MM wasn't really a place with a name! Our neighborhood was just though of as the "parking annex for the Fairgrounds" or "the neighborhood south of the Fairgrounds"
- The Nidiffer family, owners of the Mayo Meadow Shopping Center, gave permission to use the name Mayo Meadow for the new association, as the old shopping center was being demolished.
- In 2005, Mayo Meadow became a neighborhood name instead of a shopping center
- While other, smaller associations had been formed in the past, the current association was the consolidation of several small subdivisions and older associations.
- MM boundaries are from Pittsburgh to Yale Aves, and 21st to 29th St.
- Award Winning Entry Gates at 21st and Pittsburgh and 21st and Vandalia Aves
- In 2006, MMNA BOD members won a Tulsa Vision 2025 Grant. The city paid to build entrance gates from the pink flagstone harvested from the MM Shopping Center before demolition, and to landscape them.
- In 2009, MMNA won a Tulsa Historic Preservation Commission Award for the entry gates project.
- MMNA funds and organizes a volunteer effort to plant, tend and water the entrance gates gardens.
- Maurie Traylor, former BOD member and professional gardener, designed a year around sustainable growth garden with drought resistance plants.
If you believe that "Charity Begins at Home," help us keep our neighborhood safe and beautiful with your donation, no matter how small. Donations of any size, as well as questions about MMNA, can be directed to President Jeanie Newell. 2644 S Sandusky Ave, 74114.
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