Apr 6, 2010

Calling All Mayo Meadow Businesses

MMNA wants to provide information on reputable service providers as part of our neighborhood networking effort. If you live in the neighborhood and want your services posted, email your services and contact information to mayomeadow@hotmail.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Website looks great! Went to the Trash Dist.4 meeting last night. The Tulsa Trash contract will be up for bids in 2012, but TARE need a lot of input for council & state info. So they are having district meetings to get feedback from the public on these main concerns--1)How often should trash pick up be? size of bins? 2) Recycling--bins?, frequency? and 3)Yard waste (same concern). Had some good discussion groups, and some of the best trash programs of other cities were presented. The general consensus seemed to be--

Once a week pick up in the size trash can of your choice that would coincide with you trash cost.
Recycling trash can also once a wk. pickup (cost would be the same whether you use it or not), and
Yard waste in biodegradable bags with a charge per bag.

Other concerns were mentioned such as large yard waste (i.e.branches) and large boxes, etc. After TARE gets all the info and rough draft ready--there will be time for more public input. They plan to address all issues. Right now only about 3-5% of trash in Tulsa is recycled. We're behind in these areas compared to other cities for sure.

For more info on this or comments--contact
Maria Barnes dist4@tulsacouncil.org
Tulsa Refuse, Inc. 438-9994
Recycling www.tulsarecycles.com 596-9777
